Ivica Crnkovic, Professor (not working at IDT anymore)

Ivica Crnkovic is a professor of software engineering at Chalmers University, Gothenburg, and Mälardalen University, Västerås. He is a director of ICT Area of Advance at Chalmers University. He is also a guest professor at Osijek University, Croatia. His research interests include component-based software engineering, software architecture, software development processes, and software engineering for large complex systems. Professor Crnkovic is the author of more than 200 refereed articles and papers on software engineering topics and a co-author and co-editor of two books, and many proceedings. He has been genelar chair of several top-level software engineering conferences (ICSE 2018, such as ESEC/FSE 2007, ASE 2014, ECSA 2015, Euromicro SEAA 2007 conference, Comparch & WICSA 2011) and PC Chair (ECSA 2012, COMPSAC 2015, Euromicro SEAA 2006, etc.). His teaching activities cover several courses in the area of Software Engineering undergraduate and graduate courses. From 1985 to 1998, Ivica Crnkovic worked at ABB, Sweden, where he was responsible for software development environments and tools. Professor Crnkovic received an M.Sc. in electrical engineering in 1979, an M.Sc. in theoretical physics in 1984, and a Ph.D. in computer science in 1991, all from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. More information is available on http://www.ivica.crnkovic.net.

Software Engineering,Component Based Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Software Configuration Management, Software Processes, Embedded Systems, Distributed Development

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Latest publications:

Managing diversity in distributed software development education – a longitudinal case study (Apr 2018)
Ivana Bosnic , Federico Ciccozzi, Ivica Crnkovic, Igor Cavrak , Elisabetta Di Nitto , Raffaela Mirandola , Mario Zagar
ACM Transactions on Computing Education - Special Issue on Global Software Engineering Education (TOCE)

Choosing Component Origins for Software Intensive Systems: In-House, COTS, OSS or Outsourcing? A Case Survey (Mar 2018)
Kai Petersen , Deepika Badampudi , Syed Muhammad Ali Shah , Krzysztof Wnuk , Tony Gorschek , Efi Papatheocharous , Jakob Axelsson, Séverine Sentilles, Ivica Crnkovic, Antonio Cicchetti
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (March 2018) (TSE)

Hall of Fame nomination paper: Distributed Software Development course (Dec 2017)
Ivana Bosnic , Igor Cavrak , Federico Ciccozzi, Ivica Crnkovic, Elisabetta Di Nitto , Raffaela Mirandola , Mario Zagar
30th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training (CSEE&T)

Model-Driven Engineering for Mission-Critical IoT Systems (Jan 2017)
Federico Ciccozzi, Ivica Crnkovic, Davide Di Ruscio , Ivano Malavolta , Patrizio Pelliccione , Romina Spalazzese
IEEE Software 2017 (IEEE Software)

Architecture optimization: Speed or accuracy? Both! (Oct 2016)
Federico Ciccozzi, Juraj Feljan, Jan Carlson, Ivica Crnkovic
Software Quality Journal (Springer) (SQJ)

Extra-Functional Properties Composability for Embedded Systems Partitioning (Apr 2016)
Gaetana Sapienza, Séverine Sentilles, Ivica Crnkovic, Tiberiu Seceleanu
19th International Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE'16)

Project TitleStatus
APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software finished
ARIES - Applied Research in Industrial and Embedded Software finished
ARTIST finished
BALSOP - Business, Architecture, Organization, and Process: Balancing Software Product Development finished
ComposeIT finished
CONTESSE - Contract-Based Components for Embedded Software finished
DICES - Distributed Component-based Embedded Software Systems finished
ECSS - Efficient Certification of functional Safety for Software systems finished
FIND - Flexibilitet i Industriella system finished
FLEXCON - flexibe controllers finished
FLEXI - Flexible Global Product Development and Integration finished
HELPING: Heterogeneous Platform Deployment Modelling of Embedded Systems finished
Hi5 - A Holistic and Improved Infrastructure for Increased Industrial Impact of research finished
InCloud - Indstrial Systems Cloud Computing finished
Industrial Software Engineering finished
ISE - Industrial Software Engineering finished
ITS-EASY Post Graduate School for Embedded Software and Systems finished
KISEK - Collaborative Internationalisation of Software Engineering in Croatia finished
Linnaeus-Palme: Salvador Brazil finished
Linneaus-Palme: Osijek, Croatia finished
OPEN-SME Open-Source, Software Reuse, Service for SMEs finished
PG-CBD-IDE – Integration Development Environment finished
PG-CBD-Proc – Identification and specification of CB process finished
PG-CBD-Trans – Transformation of processes finished
PG-Demo-Evolution – Progress Component Models finished
PG-Demo-SAVE – The SAVE demonstrator finished
PROGRESS finished
ProPlat - Development and decisions processes finished
PSI - Product Data Management and Software Data Management Integration finished
Q-ImPreSS - Quality Impact Prediction for Evolving Service-oriented Software finished
RALF3 - Software for Embedded High Performance Architectures finished
RV-REDS - Resource Virtualization for Real-Time Embedded Distributed Systems finished
Safety-Critical Component-Based Systems finished
SAVE finished
SAVE++ finished
SAVE/AutoComp finished
SISTER - Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University finished
SMARTCore: Model-driven support for deployment optimization of embedded systems on multicore finished
SOFAR - Software Architecture Evolution finished
SoftIn - Introducing methods and tools for software development in small and medium-sized enterprises finished
The Siblings Project finished
MSc theses supervised (or examined):
Thesis TitleStatus
Advanced Functionalities in the Attribute Framework available
Dynamic analysis in Web application Reverse Engineering available
High level design tool integration: The Orchestrator available
Jämförande studie av teknikplattformar för komponentbaserade applikationer available
Change Impact Analysis of testing Component Based Software selected
Concurrent Modeling Support selected
Modeling usability of web-based document management systems selected
Agile Service Networks (ASNs) for Cloud Computing in progress
CASE STUDY IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Development of analysis tool for speedway, using ProTang AB's product development model. in progress
Data import/export between MySQL and Microsoft Office in progress
Ensuring Reliability of software in Safety critical systems environment in progress
Flash based component for entering equations in progress
Implementation of a Component Repository for PRIDE in progress
Logica SOA migration solution for Dutch nationwide Health Record System in progress
Master Thesis: Analysis of UML tools in progress
Monitoring and analysis of digital workplace in progress
Non-Functional Properties in Software Product Lines in progress
Performance analysis of Javascript in mobile application contexts in progress
Providing model repository extension point on Eclipse in progress
Pullman, a modern transportation system in progress
Real-Time Linux - Demonstrating Real-Time Application Interface as a development platform in progress
System collaboration and information sharing through Internet of Things in progress
Utveckling av ett rapportverktyg för CoreMaster2 in progress
UML profile for SaveComp Component Model finished
3D-Visualisering av radarsystem finished
A Comparative Study of Component Models for embedded Systems finished
A comparison of component-based software engineering and model-driven development from the ProCom perspective finished
A Metamodel independent approach for Conflict Detection to support distributed development in MDE finished
A New Perspective on Predicting Maintenance Costs finished
A Taxonomy of Extra-Functional Properties for Embedded Systems finished
ActiveX-Komponent till MACH2 HMI finished
Alarms and events in WS500 finished
An extensible attribute framework for ProCom finished
Analys av C# som det primära språket för .Net-plattformen finished
Analysis of the ABB Sigma Platform and Microsoft standard technologies finished
Analysis of methodology to share and distribute information from the PDM-system at Seco Tools AB finished
Analysverktyg för loggfiler från brandvägg finished
Användargränssnitt för ActiveDirectory-tjänst finished
Användning av XML/RDF för representation av kraftsystem modeller finished
Applying Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods in Embedded Systems Design finished
Architecting for the cloud finished
Architecture Description Languages and Views Suitable for Merging Software Systems finished
Automated sequential composition of deltas and related optimization operations finished
Automatiserad byggprocess av komponenter med olika språk finished
Building high-security web applications finished
Building of a component development process in an Integrated Development Environment finished
Buildning an e-commerce system finished
Client for OPC History Data Access finished
Component-based devlopment for software and hardware components finished
Component-Based Repository finished
Component-models classification – a systematic review finished
Conceptualizing SIP based gateway control finished
Conference Announcement Information System finished
Course Curriculum Planning and Management System finished
CourseScheduler finished
Databaslagring av bildregister finished
Design and implementation of a MLFQ scheduler for the Bacula backup software finished
Design Philosophy for User Friendly Parameter Handler finished
Designing Mobile Ambient Applications finished
Developing a Product Data Management prototype system finished
Diagnostics Data Collection and Analysis - Improving an Industrial Problem Resolution Process finished
Empirical Evaluation of Using Software Components in Windows CE finished
Enabling distributed simulation using an extensive miiddleware Web service component finished
Ett intranetbaserat system för dokumentationshantering finished
Ett konverteringsverktyg för konvertering av anläggningsdata till modelldata finished
Evaluation of An Object Database for use in S.P.I.D.E.R. finished
Evaluation of software components in ERTS finished
Extending ABB's WirelessHART Tool finished
Force feedback and head tracking interaction in the industrial domain finished
Force feedback and head tracking interaction in the industrial domain finished
From Components to Cloud Enabled Services - A Study of Open Source Software Evolution finished
Förstudie av installationsprogramvara finished
Implementation av en OPC server för historiska data finished
Implementationsanalys av databaser i inbyggda system finished
Implementing Gesticulation in Combination with Pointing Control Using Hidden Markov Models finished
Improving software evolvability by exploiting change history and software metrics finished
Improving User Access to a Digital Signage System – Integration of the InStoreMedia System with Microsoft Office finished
Industrial IT - OLE for Process Control for testing in Graphics Builder finished
Intag och export av kontrolluppgifter finished
Integrating ABB Aspect Directory with Microsoft Active Directory finished
Integrating Requirements Authoring and Design Tools for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Embedded Systems finished
Integrating wireless systems into process industry and business management finished
Integration of object oriented and relational data in a process control environment finished
Investigating Eclipse Modeling Tools to Improve Usability in SaveIDE finished
Kunddatabas med fakturering finished
Licensserver för flytande licenser över ett nätverk länk till projektsida finished
Managing Dependencies in Large Software Systems finished
Managing the synchronisation of envolving models conforming to different meta-models finished
Master Education Management system finished
Master education management system (continuation) finished
Master Thesis: Component behavior modeling finished
Master Thesis: Component Repository Browser finished
Master thesis: From Requirements Specification to Test Scripting: Towards Automated Support finished
Master thesis: The problem of bidirectionality in Model-Driven Engineering finished
Metoder och tekniker för distribuerade testklienter finished
Migrating from COM to .NET finished
Migrating process automation application to mobile devices finished
Model-based and component-based development of embedded systems finished
Modeling deployment and allocation in the Progress IDE finished
Multicore Pattern finished
Overview of architecture description languages finished
Panelbyggare för Operate IT finished
Performance Modeling of ASP.Net Web Service Applications: an industrial case study finished
Performance Monitoring using built inprocessor support in a complex real time environment finished
Programvarusimulering med Teamwork, utvärdering av resultat och användarbarhet finished
Real-Time Performance of Windows XP Embedded finished
Simulation Control Panel Components finished
Simulation Observation Tool finished
Software Component Services for Windows CE finished
Software Configuration Management and Change Management finished
Specification and design of a prototype of IDE for Component-Based Embedded System finished
Support Case Analyze finished
SurfaLätt-Anpassad webbläsare för personer med funktionshinder finished
Test och utvärdering av olika ORBar m.a.p. prestanda finished
The Progress run-time architecture finished
Transformation between JavaBeans and SaveComp software component models finished
Tredimensionell processgrafik finished
Understanding Architectural Smells in Software Product Lines finished
Use of Software Component Models in Embedded Real-Time Systems finished
Using the Principle of Refactoring to implement a Graphical User Interface finished
Using voice to control and supervise processes in a wireless environment finished
Utveckling av objektorienterad tracker till ABB´s automationssystem 800xA finished
Utveckling av Web-service finished
Utvärdering av Java Message Service (JMS) finished
Validating a Software Evolvability Model and an Evolvability Analysis Method in Industrial Contexts finished
Verifiering av Simuleringsresultat finished
Web-based workplace finished
Web-baserat on-line interface mellan processbild och serverapplikation i form av en processimuleringsmodell finished
Working for the customer - Acting as software consultant in a migration project finished
Översättning mellan informationsmodeller finished
Migrating to the cloud on-hold
Mobila lösningar för processtyrning on-hold