Juraj Feljan (not working at IDT anymore)

Juraj Feljan received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia in 2008. 

He received his Ph.D. degree on the topic of "Task Allocation Optimization for Multicore Embedded Systems" at Mälardalen University in December 2015

His research domain is model-driven development for multicore systems, with focus on extra-functional properties (timing-related performance).

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Latest publications:

Architecture optimization: Speed or accuracy? Both! (Oct 2016)
Federico Ciccozzi, Juraj Feljan, Jan Carlson, Ivica Crnkovic
Software Quality Journal (Springer) (SQJ)

Task Allocation Optimization for Multicore Embedded Systems (Dec 2015)
Juraj Feljan

Introducing SCRUM into a Distributed Software Development Course (Sep 2015)
Ivana Bosnic , Federico Ciccozzi, Igor Cavrak , Elisabetta Di Nitto , Juraj Feljan, Raffaela Mirandola
Workshop on Enhancing Software Engineering Education (WESEE2015)

Enhancing model-based architecture optimization with monitored system runs (Aug 2015)
Juraj Feljan, Federico Ciccozzi, Jan Carlson, Ivica Crnkovic
41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA15)

Task Allocation Optimization for Multicore Embedded Systems (Aug 2014)
Juraj Feljan, Jan Carlson
The 40th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2014)

Model-driven Deployment Optimization for Multicore Embedded Real-time Systems: the OptimAll Approach (Jul 2014)
Federico Ciccozzi, Juraj Feljan
5th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS 2014)