Enrolled at Datateknikprogrammet at Mälardalen University in 1997, M.Sc. in computer science in 2000. Earned a Ph.D. at Mälardalen University entitled "Data Management in Vehicle Control-Systems" in 2005 Founded the Spin off company DNKU with the purpose of commercializing his research results in 2006. Has worked as part time post-doc at IDT, and part time product manager at Mimer Information Technology AB, Uppsala.
Currently Dag is the director of education for IDT and is teaching courses in Computer Systems as well Databases.
Focussing on real-time data management for embedded real-time systems in general. The primary focus is to investigate how data management and real-time database management can be integrated in the development of embedded real-time systems. The focus is both on design time tools and support, and run-time mechanisms.
Specification and Automated Verification of Atomic Concurrent Real-time Transactions (Oct 2020) Simin Cai, Barbara Gallina, Dag Nyström, Cristina Seceleanu ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '20)
Specification and Automated Verification of Atomic Concurrent Real-time Transactions (Jul 2020) Simin Cai, Barbara Gallina, Dag Nyström, Cristina Seceleanu Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)
Specification and Automated Verification of Atomic Concurrent Real-Time Transactions: Extended Report (Apr 2020) Simin Cai, Barbara Gallina, Dag Nyström, Cristina Seceleanu
Statistical Model Checking for Real-Time Database Management Systems: A Case Study (Sep 2019) Simin Cai, Barbara Gallina, Dag Nyström, Cristina Seceleanu The 24th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2019)
Specification and Formal Verification of Atomic Concurrent Real-Time Transactions (Dec 2018) Simin Cai, Barbara Gallina, Dag Nyström, Cristina Seceleanu The 23rd IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2018)
Data Aggregation Processes: A Survey, A Taxonomy, and Design Guidelines (Nov 2018) Simin Cai, Barbara Gallina, Dag Nyström, Cristina Seceleanu Computing (Computing.)
Anders Pettersson (former)
Andreas Hjertström (former)
Ewa Hansen (former)
Simin Cai (former)