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Data Aggregation Processes: A Survey, A Taxonomy, and Design Guidelines
Publication Type:
Journal article
Data aggregation processes are essential constituents for data management
in modern computer systems, such as decision support systems and Internet of Things
(IoT) systems, many with timing constraints. Understanding the common and variable
features of data aggregation processes, especially their implications to the timerelated
properties, is key to improving the quality of the designed system and reduce
design effort. In this paper, we present a survey of data aggregation processes in a
variety of application domains from literature.We investigate their common and variable
features, which serves as the basis of our previously proposed taxonomy called
DAGGTAX. By studying the implications of the DAGGTAX features, we formulate
a set of constraints to be satisfied during design, which helps to check the correctness
of the specifications and reduce the design space. We also provide a set of design
heuristics that could help designers to decide the appropriate mechanisms for achieving
the selected features. We apply DAGGTAX on industrial case studies, showing
that DAGGTAX not only strengthens the understanding, but also serves as the foundation
of a design tool which facilitates the model-driven design of data aggregation
author = {Simin Cai and Barbara Gallina and Dag Nystr{\"o}m and Cristina Seceleanu},
title = {Data Aggregation Processes: A Survey, A Taxonomy, and Design Guidelines},
volume = {100},
number = {2},
pages = {1--33},
month = {November},
year = {2018},
journal = {Computing},
url = {}