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Worst-Case Execution Time Clustering for Software Components


Publication Type:



Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Mälardalen University


For component-based systems, classical techniques for WCET-estimation produce unacceptable overestimations of the WCET. This is because software components have more general behavior in order to support reuse. Existing tools and methods for component-based software engineering (CBSE) do not yet adequately consider reusable analyses. We present a method that allows different WCETs to be associated with subsets of the component behavior by clustering WCETs with respect to behavior. The method is intended to be used for facilitating reusable WCET analysis for reusable software components. We illustrate our technique and demonstrate its potential in achieving tight WCET-estimates for components with rich behavior.


author = {Johan Fredriksson and Thomas Nolte and Andreas Ermedahl and Mikael Sj{\"o}din},
title = {Worst-Case Execution Time Clustering for Software Components},
month = {April},
year = {2007},
publisher = {Department of Computer Science and Electronics, M{\"a}lardalen University},
url = {}