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Key Factors for Achieving Project Success in Integration of Automotive Mechatronics


Publication Type:

Journal article


Journal of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering




In this paper, we present a multiple case study on integration of automotive mechatronic components. Based on the findings, we identify that the root causes of problems in integration are largely related to decisions omitted in electronic strategy.We present and recommend use of checklists defining key factors to address in order to achieve successful integration projects in terms of cost and quality. Our recommendations are defined by checklists for critical decisions in areas; functionality, platform, integration, and stakeholder involvement.The recommendations are established based on practitioner experience and then validated in a multiple case study. Five cases of integration are studied for different heavy vehicles in one company, and the fulfillment of our recommendations is measured. Finally we define project success criteria and we compare the level of fulfillment with the project success in terms of time plan and resource consumption.The main contribution of this study is the validated recommendations, each including a set of checkpoints that defines recommendation fulfillment. We also present defining characteristics to identify a high risk project. We provide a set of observable project properties and show how they affect project risk.


author = {Joakim Fr{\"o}berg and Mikael {\AA}kerholm and Kristian Sandstr{\"o}m and Christer Norstr{\"o}m},
title = {Key Factors for Achieving Project Success in Integration of Automotive Mechatronics},
volume = {11334 2007/3/16},
month = {March},
year = {2007},
journal = {Journal of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering},
publisher = {Springer},
url = {}