Efficient Software Component Reuse in Safety-Critical Systems – An Empirical Study (Sep 2012) Rikard Land, Mikael Åkerholm, Jan Carlson 31th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security
Seminar report: Functional safety - emerging, changing and integrating standards and applications (Feb 2010) Mikael Åkerholm, Rikard Land, Martin Törngren
Can you afford not to certify your control system? (Nov 2009) Mikael Åkerholm, Rikard Land, Christian Strzyz
Towards Systematic Software Reuse in Certifiable Safety-Critical Systems (Sep 2009) Mikael Åkerholm, Rikard Land International Workshop on Software Reuse and Safety
Introducing Component Based Software Engineering at an Embedded Systems Sub-Contractor (Sep 2008) Mikael Åkerholm, Kristian Sandström, Ivica Crnkovic 34th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)
Reusability of Software Components in the Vehicular Domain (May 2008) Mikael Åkerholm