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PMEX – A Performance Measurement Evaluating Matrix for Development of Complex Products and Systems


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper




A key aspect in a sustainable economy is to be able to do more with less by making better use of resources. Within the development of complex products and systems, a continuous need to improve performance exists, i.e., making better use of a company’s resources. In this improvement process it is important to measure the performance of the product development process. Previous research mainly focuses on the design and implementation of new performance measurement systems, not on evaluating the measures currently used. The research question in this paper is how to evaluate a company’s performance measurement systems from a manager’s perspective. To answer this question, a performance measurement evaluation matrix (PMEX) is developed. The PMEX has the different phases of the Stage-Gate process as one dimension and important success factors in the development of complex products and systems as the other dimension. Furthermore, a multiple case study has been conducted as a first verification of the PMEX. The first results of the study indicate that the PMEX enables managers to overview what is and what is not measured. The PMEX can therefore function as a conceptual tool in the discussions for setting the scope of the performance measurement system.


author = {Stefan Cedergren and Christer Norstr{\"o}m and Anders Wall},
title = {PMEX – A Performance Measurement Evaluating Matrix for Development of Complex Products and Systems},
month = {July},
year = {2008},
booktitle = {PICMET 2008},
url = {}