Stefan Cedergren, Associated Senior Lecturer (not working at IDT anymore)

Stefan Cedergren is a senior researcher within the Software Engineering Laboratory. He defended his PhD thesis ”Performance in product development - the case of complex products” in January 2011 and he received an M.Sc. in applied physics and electrical engineering from Linköping University 2003. His current research is funded by the KK foundation together with Volvo Construction Equipment. The overall aim of his research is to develop methods and tools for effectively managing performance in the development of complex products. Especially focusing on improving the processes and tools needed to handle future complexity.

Traditionally when an organization wants to increase its performance, product development has not been considered. Focus has instead been on other processes, for example manufacturing and as a result there are well-established theories on how to evaluate performance within manufacturing. Today the market is more competitive than ever and a high performing innovation and product development process is required in order to be successful. The aim of this research is to develop a framework that makes it possible to manage product development performance. In an abstract way the product development performance can be divided into three parts: efficiency; the ability to implement a requirement and solve issues, effectiveness; the ability to specify a product that agrees with customer needs and productivity; the return of the invested resources in the R&D process.

MSc theses supervised (or examined):
Thesis TitleStatus
Leading Quality & Efficiency Measurements in progress