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Business Sustainability for Software Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Business Sustainability 2008, Ofir, Portugal
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IJISE)
Sustainable development of industrial
software systems with controllable outcome in
terms of cost, schedule and quality despite
changes originating from new technology,
stakeholdersâ concerns, organization, and
business goals during long life-times is a
challenge. Unruh [17] has argued that numerous
barriers to sustainability arise because today's
technological systems were designed and built
for permanence and reliability, not change.
Sustainability is a characteristic of a process
or state that can be maintained at a certain level
indefinitely. The implied preference would be for
systems to be productive indefinitely, to be
"sustainable." For instance, "sustainable
development" would be development of software
systems that last indefinitely. Author Michael
Pollan [13] has defined an unsustainable system
simply as "a practice or process that can't go on
indefinitely because it is destroying the very
conditions on which it depends.
author = {Pia Stoll and Anders Wall},
title = {Business Sustainability for Software Systems},
editor = {Goran D. Putnik, University of Minho},
month = {June},
year = {2008},
booktitle = {Business Sustainability 2008, Ofir, Portugal},
publisher = {International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IJISE)},
url = {}