Pia Stoll (not working at IDT anymore)

Pia Stoll had a Master of Science in ENgineering Physics from Lund Technical University (LTH) 1997. She did two years of PhD studies in the field of Mathematical Statistics at LTH and University of Kaiserslautern, Germnay. In 2000 she started to work at ABB Corporate Research in Heidelberg, Germany, and transfered to ABB Corporate Research, Västerås in 2002. 2006 she started her PhD studies again as an industrial PhD student for ABB and MDH. October 2009 she defended her Licentiate Degree with Ipek Ozkaya from Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh as opponent.
Pia Stoll holds a Licentiate of Technology degree and works in the ABB program “Industrial Software Systems” as she is continuing her industrial PhD studies at Mälardalen University, Västerås. Her field of research concerns the analysis of the relationships between enterprise-, system-, and software architecture and stakeholders’ concerns’ impact on all three architecture levels in order to achieve profitable industrial software systems.