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Software Engineering featuring the Zachman Taxonomy
Publication Type:
Report - MRTC
Software engineering of today must consider organizational- and business issues as well as architectural issues for fast manufacturing of software. The semantics in a taxonomic scheme including organizational-, business- and architecture artifacts would help software engineers define explicit relations between software engineering artifacts at all software design-levels.
In this report, we present the Software Engineering Taxonomy, derived from the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework. The Software Engineering Taxonomy proved to be able to classify all software engineering artifacts from the IEEE Software Engineering Book Of Knowledge (SWEBOK) published 2004. The Software Engineering Taxonomy also proved to give useful insights into
how customer sites and development sites may interact for fast innovation exemplified with the companies Apple (AppStore) and Google. The taxonomy also proved to be useful for process analysis which is shown for the Scrum process.
author = {Pia Stoll and Anders Wall and Christer Norstr{\"o}m},
title = {Software Engineering featuring the Zachman Taxonomy},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-240/2009-1-SE},
month = {September},
year = {2009},
url = {}