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Case-Based Systems in the Health Sciences - A Case Study in the Field of Stress Management
Publication Type:
Journal article
WSEAS Transactions on Systems
Now-a-days medical domain is a popular area for the artificial intelligence (AI) research. Many of the early AI systems were attempted to apply rule-based reasoning in developing computer-based diagnosis system in medical domain. However, for a broad and complex medical domain the effort of applying rule-based system has encountered several problems. Today many systems are serving multi-purpose i.e. tend to support not only in diagnosis but also in number of other complex tasks and combining more than one AI techniques in the health care domain. In this paper, we will investigate the state-of-the art of casebased reasoning (CBR), a recent AI method in the medical domain. A case study in the stress medicine domain is presented here. Today stress has become a major concern in our society. The demand of the decision support system (DSS) in stress domain is increasing rapidly. However, the application of DSS in this domain is limited so far due to the weak domain theory. In our on going research, we have proposed a solution analyzing the relation between stress and finger temperature using case-based reasoning and other AI techniques namely case-based reasoning, textual CBR, rule-based reasoning, and fuzzy logic to support classification and diagnosis in stress management.
author = {Shahina Begum and Mobyen Uddin Ahmed and Peter Funk},
title = {Case-Based Systems in the Health Sciences - A Case Study in the Field of Stress Management},
volume = {8},
number = {1109-2777},
pages = {344--354},
month = {March},
year = {2009},
journal = {WSEAS Transactions on Systems},
publisher = {WSEAS },
url = {}