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Antenna Modeling Issues in Quantitative Image Reconstruction Using a Flexible Microwave Tomography System
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2010 Cambridge
The Electromagnetics Academy 777 Concord Avenue, Suite 207 Cambridge, MA 02138
Quantitative microwave imaging has been extensively studied in the past years as
an alternative technique in biomedical imaging, with a strong potential in early stage breast can-
cer detection [Keith D. Paulsen and Paul M. Meaney, Alternative Breast Imaging", The Springer
International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 778, 2005]. The image reconstruction
involves a nonlinear inverse scattering problem, which consists to retrieve the dielectric prop-
erties of the biological object from the measured scattered ¯eld, for an applied incident ¯eld.
Consequently, the solution is highly sensitive to model errors in the incident ¯eld. This paper
focus on the impact of this model error on the reconstructed quantitative image using a °exible
robotic microwave imaging system, developed at MÄalardalen University, together with an itera-
tive Newton-Kantorovich (NK) algorithm. This study is conducted during the development of
the imaging system and the ¯rst quantitative images of a breast phantom are obtained.
The robotic microwave imaging system is developed as a °exible experimental platform for
biomedical imaging, where one of the applications is breast imaging. Using a robot controlled
system the scattered ¯eld can be measured with a single transmitting/receiving antenna-pair,
thus avoiding the mutual coupling that occur when an antenna-array is used. The scattered ¯eld
is, herein, measured around a breast phantom, along a circular arc, in the horizontal plane with
vertically polarized monopole antennas, considering a two dimensional transverse magnetic case
(2D-TM). The radiated ¯eld from the transmitting antenna is modeled as a vertical polarized
cylindrical wave in the numerical incident ¯eld model of the NK algorithm, where images with
both the real- and imaginary permittivity pro¯le of the breast phantom are obtained.
In this study, two di®erent monopole antenna designs are compared with the numerical incident
¯eld model. The di®erence between the antennas is the ground-plane design, where the ¯rst
setup uses 4 wires forming a horizontal cross as a ground-plane. By varying the length of the
wires and angel between the transmitting and receiving antenna the incident electromagnetic
¯eld is changed and could be modi¯ed to best ¯t the simulated ¯eld. The second setup uses
a circular ground plane which will give a more rotational symmetric radiation pattern in the
horizontal plane and a better match when comparing measured ¯elds with computed values. The
comparison is done directly with the numerical incident ¯eld model, as well as the computed and
measured scattered ¯eld, and ¯nally the impact on the reconstructed images by the NK algorithm
are compared, using measured data from both antennas.
The results show how the antenna selection impacts the error between the measured incident
¯eld and the numerical model, and how the quantitative image of an inhomogeneous object is
a®ected by this model error.
author = {Nikola Petrovic and Tommy Henriksson and Magnus Otterskog},
title = {Antenna Modeling Issues in Quantitative Image Reconstruction Using a Flexible Microwave Tomography System},
pages = {861--866},
month = {July},
year = {2010},
booktitle = {Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2010 Cambridge},
publisher = {The Electromagnetics Academy 777 Concord Avenue, Suite 207 Cambridge, MA 02138},
url = {}