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Improved Handling of Soft Aperiodic Tasks in Offline Scheduled Real-Time Systems using Total Bandwidth Server



Gerhard Fohler, Tomas Lennvall, Giorgio Buttazzo

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


In 8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation


Real-world industrial applications impose complex constraints, such as distribution, end-to-end deadlines, and jitter control on real-time systems and require their efficient handling. Most scheduling algorithms concentrate on single or limited combinations of constraints and requirements only. Offline scheduling resolves complex constraints, but provides only very limited flexibility. Online scheduling on the other hand, supports flexibility, resource reclaiming, and overload handling, but handling constraints such as distribution or end-to-end deadline can be costly, if not intractable. In this paper, we propose a method to bridge the gap between offline and online scheduling paradigms to allow for efficient handling of tasks with complex constraints in dynamic systems. It uses offline scheduling to handle complex constraints, reduce their complexity, and provide for guaranteed available bandwidth. The constructed schedule is translated into independent tasks on single nodes with starttimes and deadline constraints only. These are then executed using earliest deadline first, total bandwidth server scheduling at runtime. Thus, our method enables systems to handle tasks with complex constraints via standard online scheduling methods at runtime.


author = {Gerhard Fohler and Tomas Lennvall and Giorgio Buttazzo},
title = {Improved Handling of Soft Aperiodic Tasks in Offline Scheduled Real-Time Systems using Total Bandwidth Server},
month = {October},
year = {2001},
booktitle = {In 8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies {\&} Factory Automation},
url = {}