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Sharing hardships and rewards - gender in project management
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators
EARMA Conference Poster 2015:
Gender in research and administration - A follow-up of the conference in Tallinn: What we have done since then.
Paula Wennberg, Malin Rosqvist and Susi Poli.This paper draws on the presentation given at the EARMA annual conference in Tallinn in July 2014. Presentations do not often have a follow-up phase, even though they have raised a lot of interest, so they may go forgotten and who starts dealing with that topic frequently does not take previous findings into account. In Tallinn we presented and discussed the following points:The extent to which gender inequality in leadership posts in higher education is widespread across Europe and what women think about it; How to promote a gendered and inclusive dimension in research and administration; Different approaches, tools and methods to integrate a gender equality perspective in research projects; Examples of change processes in academia and industry.After our presentation in Tallinn, we have collected feedback and kept talking about the topic; the aim has been to keep the discussion open and stimulate further and fresh thinking. Thus, this presentation for the EARMA AC in Leiden aims to be either a follow-up which summarises what we have further done on the topic since July 2014.
author = {Malin Rosqvist and Susi Poli and Paula Wennberg and Gunnar Widforss and Caroline Blomberg},
title = {Sharing hardships and rewards - gender in project management},
month = {June},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators},
url = {}