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Applying Mitigation Mechanisms for Cloud-based Controllers in Industrial IoT Applications
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Internet-of-Things Symposium
Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are two notable concepts that have evolved significantly over the past few years. In the automation industry, clouds are often used for monitoring vast amounts of data generated on the shop floor. Whereas, IoT is used to simplify the end devices and their connections to the rest of the system. In this paper we investigate the interplay of these two concepts and their use in the control applications in the automation industry. We develop a prototype in the industrial setup to explore the use of IoT devices that communicate with a cloud-based controller. Using the prototype, we perform a number of experiments to investigate the consequences of having a cloud server between the end device and the controller. Within this context we consider arbitrary jitter and delays, i.e., they can be smaller, equal or greater than the sampling periods. Moreover, we apply mitigation mechanisms to deal with the delays and jitter that are caused by the local and wide area networks (LAN and WAN).
author = {Pavlos Nikolaidis and Alma Didic and Saad Mubeen and Hongyu Pei-Breivold and Kristian Sandstr{\"o}m and Moris Behnam},
title = {Applying Mitigation Mechanisms for Cloud-based Controllers in Industrial IoT Applications},
month = {October},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {Internet-of-Things Symposium},
url = {}