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Investigation of the validity and reliability of a smartphone pedometer application
Publication Type:
Journal article
European Journal of Physiotherapy
The aim of this study was to investigate the validity and measurement agreement of a smartphone
pedometer application and a traditional pedometer, both compared to manual step count, in six environments.
The study also examined the relative reliability of two positions of the smartphone pedometer
application in the six environments. Twenty participants carried two smartphones (iPhone 4S) with
the same pedometer application (Pedometer FREE GPSþ) in two device positions together with a traditional
pedometer (Yamax LS2000) while walking in six environments. The pedometer application in the
chest position (app chest) differed significantly from the manual step count when walking uphill
(p¼0.003), the application in the trouser (pants) position (app pants) differed for downhill (p¼0.001)
and the traditional pedometer (trad ped) differed upstairs (p¼0.007). The measurement agreement was
high for app pants uphill, app chest downhill and trad ped downstairs. The relative reliability was fair
for app chest, but poor for app pants. In conclusion, the pedometer application and traditional pedometer
were valid for step self-monitoring in some environments, and the measurement agreement compared
to manual step count was mainly medium to high. The relative reliability for the smartphone
pedometer application was partly acceptable. Smartphones could be useful in some environments for
physical activity self-monitoring.
author = {Anna {\AA}kerberg and Anne S{\"o}derlund and Maria Lind{\'e}n},
title = {Investigation of the validity and reliability of a smartphone pedometer application},
volume = {18;3},
pages = {185--193},
month = {May},
year = {2016},
journal = {European Journal of Physiotherapy},
url = {}