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Biosignal Augmented Embodied Performance
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
We explore the phenomenology of embodiment based on research through design and re ection on the design of arte- facts for augmenting embodied performance. We present three designs for musicians and a dancer; the designs rely on the artists’ mastery acquired from years of practice. Through the knowledge of the living body, their instruments —cello, flute and dance— are extensions of themselves; thus, we can explore technology with rich nuances and precision in corporeal schemas. With the help of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of embodiment we present two perspectives for augmented embodied performance: the interactively enacted teacher, and the humanisation of technology.
author = {Rikard Lindell and Tomas Kumlin},
title = {Biosignal Augmented Embodied Performance},
month = {August},
year = {2017},
booktitle = {AudioMostly},
url = {}