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Avoiding the Intrinsic Unfairness of the Trolley Problem
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
FairWare '18 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Fairness Pages 32-37
As an envisaged future of transportation, self-driving cars are being
discussed from various perspectives, including social, economical,
engineering, computer science, design, and ethical aspects. On the
one hand, self-driving cars present new engineering problems that
are being gradually successfully solved. On the other hand, social
and ethical problems have up to now being presented in the form
of an idealized unsolvable decision-making problem, the so-called
“trolley problem”, which is built on the assumptions that are neither
technically nor ethically justifiable. The intrinsic unfairness of the
trolley problem comes from the assumption that lives of different
people have different values.
In this paper, techno-social arguments are used to show the infeasibility
of the trolley problem when addressing the ethics of selfdriving
cars. We argue that different components can contribute to
an “unfair” behaviour and features, which requires ethical analysis
on multiple levels and stages of the development process. Instead
of an idealized and intrinsically unfair thought experiment, we
present real-life techno-social challenges relevant for the domain
of software fairness in the context of self-driving cars
author = {Tobias Holstein and Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic},
title = {Avoiding the Intrinsic Unfairness of the Trolley Problem},
isbn = {978-1-4503-5746-3},
month = {June},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {FairWare '18 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Fairness Pages 32-37 },
url = {}