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MBRP: Model-based Requirements Prioritization Using PageRank Algorithm
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
The 26th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
Requirements prioritization plays an important
role in driving project success during software development.
Literature reveals that existing requirements prioritization
approaches ignore vital factors such as interdependency
between requirements. Existing requirements prioritization
approaches are also generally time-consuming and involve
substantial manual effort. Besides, these approaches show
substantial limitations in terms of the number of requirements
under consideration. There is some evidence suggesting that
models could have a useful role in the analysis of requirements
interdependency and their visualization, contributing towards
the improvement of the overall requirements prioritization
process. However, to date, just a handful of studies are focused
on model-based strategies for requirements prioritization,
considering only conflict-free functional requirements. This
paper uses a meta-model-based approach to help the
requirements analyst to model the requirements, stakeholders,
and inter-dependencies between requirements. The model
instance is then processed by our modified PageRank algorithm
to prioritize the given requirements. An experiment was
conducted, comparing our modified PageRank algorithm’s
efficiency and accuracy with five existing requirements
prioritization methods. Besides, we also compared our results
with a baseline prioritized list of 104 requirements prepared by
28 graduate students. Our results show that our modified
PageRank algorithm was able to prioritize the requirements
more effectively and efficiently than the other prioritization
author = {Muhammad Abbas and Irum Inayat and Naila Jan and Mehrdad Saadatmand and Eduard Paul Enoiu and Daniel Sundmark},
title = {MBRP: Model-based Requirements Prioritization Using PageRank Algorithm},
month = {December},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {The 26th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference},
url = {}