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A Novel Frame Preemption Model in TSN Networks
Publication Type:
Journal article
Journal of Systems Architecture
This paper identifies a limitation in the frame preemption model in the TSN standard (IEEE 802.1Q-2018), due to which high priority frames can experience significantly long blocking delays, thereby exacerbating their worst-case response times. This limitation can have a considerable impact on the design, analysis and performance of TSN-based systems.
To address this limitation, the paper presents a novel and more efficient frame preemption model in the TSN standard that allows over 90% reduction in the maximum blocking delay leading to lower worst-case response times of high priority frames compared to the frame preemption model used in the existing works. The paper also shows that the improvement becomes even more significant in multi-switch TSN networks.In order to evaluate the effects of preemption, the paper performs simulations by enabling and disabling preemptions as well as enabling and disabling the Hold/Release mechanism supported by TSN. Furthermore, the paper performs a comparative evaluation of the two models of frame preemption in TSN using simulations. The evaluation shows that the maximum response times of high priority frames can be significantly reduced with very small impact on the response times of lower priority frames. The paper also shows the improvement in the maximum response times of higher priority frames using an automotive industrial use case that employs a multi-hop TSN network for on-board communication.
author = {Mohammad Ashjaei and Mikael Sj{\"o}din and Saad Mubeen},
title = {A Novel Frame Preemption Model in TSN Networks},
editor = {Elsevier},
volume = {114},
number = {101914},
pages = {1--30},
month = {June},
year = {2021},
journal = {Journal of Systems Architecture},
url = {}