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Propagation of quality attributes in a layered design
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Software Engineering Research Group
There are many reasons why software applications nowadays are made extensible. For example, it is very often impossible to foresee the needs of different users. Complexity of the software in computer-based systems is ever increasing, and to tackle the complexities we are forced to move the staring point for building solutions towards the applicationâs end user. An end-user always experiences functionality and quality that is the result of the assembly of all parts integrated into the application. In the case of functionality, it is often much easier to pinpoint the contributing components, than in the case of quality.
In the case of business critical applications, the quality is one of the primary concerns. In this article, we analyze the problem of developers of extensible business critical applications, who need to keep control over certain system high-level quality attributes, while maximizing extendibility of the applications. This can be done in an ad-hoc way, or in a more systematic way. We describe a more systematic way that is based on product quality modeling. As a case study, we are using a graphical user-interface application on an industrial device.
author = {Goran Mustapic and Ivica Crnkovic},
title = {Propagation of quality attributes in a layered design},
month = {October},
year = {2003},
booktitle = {Software Engineering Research Group},
url = {}