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Blended Modelling for Software Architectures
Blended modelling is an emerging trend in Model-Driven Engineering for complex software architectures. It enables the modelling of diverse architectural aspects through multiple editing notations seamlessly, interchangeably, and collaboratively. Blended modelling is expected to significantly improve productivity and user experience for multiple stakeholders. To manually architect and build a blended modelling environment is not trivial. To support architects in this task, in the scope of the ITEA3 BUMBLE project, we have designed and developed a blended modelling framework that aids architects in designing and semi-automatically generating blended modelling environments for architecting software.
author = {Malvina Latifaj and Federico Ciccozzi and Muhammad Waseem Anwar and Ivano Malavolta and Kousar Aslam},
title = {Blended Modelling for Software Architectures},
month = {April},
year = {2023},
url = {}