Malvina Latifaj, Post Doc

Malvina Latifaj is a postdoctoral researcher at Mälardalen University, Sweden. She completed her PhD at the same institution, defending her thesis on the systematic development of collaborative blended modeling environments in June 2024. Her research focused on model-driven engineering, the generation of synchronization infrastructures through model transformations, and language engineering. She is currently part of the Competence Center for Continuous Digitalization (CoDig).
Research community services:
  • 26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering (MODELS) (2023) - Student Volunteers Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
  • Hands-on Workshop on Collaborative Modeling (HowCom) (2023) - Program Committee
  • The 19th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA) (2023) - Reviewer
  • 4th International Workshop on Modeling in Low-Code Development Platforms (LowCode) (2023) - Reviewer
  • Journal of Systems & Software (JSS) (2023) - Reviewer
  • Science of Computer Programming Journal (2022) - Reviewer
Thesis supervision: 

Teaching responsibilites: 
  • CDT402: Distributed Software Development
  • DVA444: Industrial Systems in Cloud Computing

Her research focus was initially centered around the field of blended modelling, particularly the establishment of a synchronisation infrastructure among diverse notations. She has engaged with UML-RT, culminating in the definition of a domain-specific modelling language for textual representation of UML-RT and synchronization infrastructure between textual and graphical models. Her efforts also extended to the development of a model migrator tool to enhance the seamless transition of UML-RT models. Her current research trajectory leads to the investigation of role-based access control policies, with a targeted emphasis on their applicability to metamodel portions.