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Navigating the Cyber-Security Risks and Economics of System-of-Systems



Terese Besker , Ulrik Franke , Jakob Axelsson

Research group:

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


18th Annual System Of Systems Engineering Conference




Cybersecurity is an important concern in systemsof- systems (SoS), where the effects of cyber incidents, whether deliberate attacks or unintentional mistakes, can propagate from an individual constituent system (CS) throughout the entire SoS. Unfortunately, the security of an SoS cannot be guaranteed by separately addressing the security of each CS. Security must also be addressed at the SoS level. This paper reviews some of the most prominent cybersecurity risks within the SoS research field and combines this with the cyber and information security economics perspective. This sets the scene for a structured assessment of how various cyber risks can be addressed in different SoS architectures. More precisely, the paper discusses the effectiveness and appropriateness of five cybersecurity policy options in each of the four assessed SoS archetypes and concludes that cybersecurity risks should be addressed using both traditional design-focused and more novel policy-oriented tools.


author = {Terese Besker and Ulrik Franke and Jakob Axelsson},
title = {Navigating the Cyber-Security Risks and Economics of System-of-Systems},
month = {June},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {18th Annual System Of Systems Engineering Conference},
url = {}