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Towards Adopting a Digital Twin Framework (ISO 23247) for Battery Systems



Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


ITNG 2024: Conference on Information Technology : New Generations


In this paper, we discuss how the emerging and novel technique of Digital Twins (DTs) can be applied in the battery domain to address current challenges. Notably, rechargeable batteries are central for modern applications of electric vehicles (EVs), consumer electronics, and wireless components. Several complex battery solutions are emerging in literature to support industrial needs. However, the increasing complexity of battery systems is negatively impacting measurements and control of batteries during run-time, critical aspects for efficient run-time management. DTs are seen as a promising solution, offering enhanced operational management and planning capabilities through real-time models that accurately represent the current states of batteries. This precision leads to enhanced accuracy in monitoring and decision-making processes. Despite the potential benefits, the lack of a standards-based DT framework for battery systems hinders industrial practitioners from adopting and implementing DT solutions. We discuss how DT solutions could elevate specific challenges in complex battery systems. Additionally, we discuss requirements for building DTs for the heterogeneous battery system use case and map them to the ISO 23247 DT framework. Eventually, we examine the suitability of the ISO 23247 DT framework for building DTs for complex battery systems.


author = {Johan Cederbladh and Enxhi Ferko and Emil Lundin},
title = {Towards Adopting a Digital Twin Framework (ISO 23247) for Battery Systems},
month = {April},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {ITNG 2024: Conference on Information Technology : New Generations},
url = {}