I am currently a PhD student at Mälardalen University, where I mostly work with Model-Based Systems Engineering and related technologies. I am mostly involved with early stages of MBSE, looking towards improving Validation and Verification capabilities through technologies like co-simulation. Previously I graduated from Mälardalen University with a degree in dependable aeronautic systems, and before that, I was a sheet metal worker (plåtslagare). In my free time (if any) I enjoy strength training and the card game Magic: The Gathering where I play on a semi-competitive level in local to international events.
MDU duties
Assisting program coordinator for Dependable Systems
I am currently sharing the work for the program coordinator for the Dependable Systems master programme. This includes reviewing and updating the program in addition to various quality processes for improving the program.
Doctoral student council chair
I have been actively part of the council for several years, I am currently acting as the chair of the council. The council aims to drive positive change for PhD students at and outside MDU.
DVA206 - Kravhantering (Requirements management
I have reviewed scientific papers for the following venues:
Johan is mainly involved with Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and works closely with the industry partner Volvo CE. He is also part of the AIDOaRt project working on the Volvo CE use case regarding architecture modeling and early stage analysis. In this context, Johan is performing research on early validation through various means such as co-simulation. The main track of Johan is early stage Validation and Verification of System behaviour represented in heterogenous models in the MBSE life-cycle.
The work with MBSE is performed primarily at the early stages of development, focusing on the early analysis and validation of various models. Topics of particular interest is how black box representations can be analyzed and further evolved in industrial contexts. Additionally, how can architecture models be created and maintained for heterogenous domains (e.g, HW and SW). Surronding topics of Systems of Systems and Digital Twin are also included.
One of our main collaborative partners is working closely with recommender systems, where we are trying to improve modelling capabilities in the context of complex Cyber-Physical systems.
Battery systems
We have done work related to batteries with a focus on Heterogenous batteries. In short, the aim is to combine various types of battery cell chemistries into one single connected system. In addition, there are research challenges related to architecture definitions and analysis, along with the more technical electrical aspects and control of the management system.
Extending MagicGrid to Support Virtual Prototyping for Early System Performance Validation and Verification (Sep 2024) Johan Cederbladh, Daniel Krems , Antonio Cicchetti Systems Analysis and Modelling (SAM2024)
Automation Support for System Simulation and Architecture Layout Design in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering (Sep 2024) Johan Cederbladh, Martin Eisenberg , Luca Berardinelli , Damir Bilic Systems Analysis and Modelling (SAM2024)
Towards Model-Based Adoption for Requirements Elicitation in Railway - the Role of Collaborative and Participatory Modelling (Sep 2024) Henrik Gustavsson, Johan Cederbladh Collaborative & Participatory modelling workshop (CoPaMO 2024)
How does one Model Appropriately in Systems Engineering? An Initial Conceptual Model Framing Model Appropriateness (Sep 2024) Johan Cederbladh, Thomas C. Zimmermann Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS)
A Road-Map for Transferring Software Engineering methods for Model-Based Early V&V of Behaviour to Systems Engineering (Jul 2024) Johan Cederbladh, Antonio Cicchetti 2030 Software Engineering (TOSEM2030)
Early Validation of SysML Architectures by Extending MBSE with Co-Simulation using FMI and SSP (Jul 2024) Johan Cederbladh, Daniel Krems INCOSE IS 2024 (IS24)