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Hybrid Moving Controller: Modified Hybrid Moving Target Defense with Stability Guarantees


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


22nd European Control Conference




This paper introduces a novel approach, which we refer to as hybrid moving controller, designed to ensure closed-loop stability while eliminating the requirement for synchronization between the plant and control unit. In our proposed method, the controller is time-varying and moves the closed-loop eigenvalues along radial trajectories originating from the origin. The sequence of controllers is assumed to be kept confidential from potential adversaries. Given that this moving controller renders the overall closed-loop system time- varying, maintaining the eigenvalues within the unit circle alone is insufficient to guarantee stability. As a result, we explore stability through the lens of contraction theory and present criteria for the sequence of controllers to ensure stability.


author = {Mojtaba Kaheni and Alessandro Papadopoulos},
title = {Hybrid Moving Controller: Modified Hybrid Moving Target Defense with Stability Guarantees},
pages = {1698--1703},
month = {June},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {22nd European Control Conference},
url = {}