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Towards high-integrity redundancy role leasing
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation 2024
Control systems are often an integral part of automation solutions where high reliability is crucial due to the high cost of downtime. The risk of unplanned downtime is typically reduced with redundant solutions. Additionally, safety critical automation functions require high-integrity controllers. Today, the prevalent redundancy solution is a standby scheme, where one active primary controller drives the process while a standby backup controller is ready to take over in case of primary failure. This redundant controller pair can consist of high-integrity controllers. The automation industry is trending towards Ethernet as the sole communication medium. Our work presents an initial study of a high-integrity realization of a redundancy failure detection mechanism that guarantees only one primary controller, even in the case of network partitioning between the redundant controller pair. The failure detection is a lease-based function that leases the primary role from a central lease broker. This work discusses a high-integrity realization of the primary redundancy role leasing.
We deduce and present the high-integrity-related requirements
and a high-level design as an initial step towards a high-integrity
realization of the redundancy role leasing.
author = {Bjarne Johansson and Olof Holmgren and H{\aa}kan Forsberg and Thomas Nolte and Alessandro Papadopoulos},
title = {Towards high-integrity redundancy role leasing},
month = {September},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation 2024},
url = {}