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Wireless industrial sensor monitoring based on Bluetooth/spl trade/
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Industrial Informatics, 2003. INDIN 2003
We describe a novel Bluetooth/spl trade/-based wireless solution for industrial sensor monitoring. The solution enables wireless monitoring systems improving earlier Bluetooth/spl trade/ implementations where mobility is not supported. A distributed wireless sensor network is described with the sensor wireless interface, the architecture, protocols and algorithms used. Achieved results are: (1) Multimobile wireless sensor monitoring with Bluetooth/spl trade/. (2) Deployment of a distributed architecture for wireless sensors with global access.
@inproceedings{Garcia Castano740,
author = {Javier Garcia Casta{\~n}o and Jens L{\"o}nnblad and Mikael Ekstr{\"o}m and Ylva B{\"a}cklund},
title = {Wireless industrial sensor monitoring based on Bluetooth/spl trade/},
editor = {IEEE},
pages = {65--72},
month = {August},
year = {2003},
booktitle = {Industrial Informatics, 2003. INDIN 2003},
url = {}