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Time Triggered vs. Event Triggered - Towards Predictably Flexible Real-Time Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Keynote Address, Brazilian Workshop on Real-Time Systems
Time triggered real-time systems have been shown to be appropriate for
a variety of critical applications. They provide verifiable timing
behavior and allow distribution, complex application structures, and
general requirements. Their benefits are, however, limited in
changing environments and for applications with not completely known
characteristics. In these scenarios, event triggered systems provide
appropriate mechanisms and better efficiency. Standard practices
confront designers with an exclusive choice of one paradigm over the
other, and consequently between determinism and flexibility, instead
of allowing a customized selection.In this talk, we will discuss tradeoffs between determinism and
flexibility and show how event triggered methods can be combined with
time triggered systems to enhance flexibility. We will present
algorithms to extend purely offline scheduling approaches, overcoming a
number of their limitations and increasing flexibility. We will define
requirements on online scheduling mechanisms to allow for their
integration. With the example of slot shifting and constant bandwidth
server, we will demonstrate the combination of two seemingly adverse
methods, to lay a basis for predictably flexible real-time systems.
author = {Gerhard Fohler},
title = {Time Triggered vs. Event Triggered - Towards Predictably Flexible Real-Time Systems},
month = {May},
year = {1999},
booktitle = {Keynote Address, Brazilian Workshop on Real-Time Systems},
url = {}