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Application of Built-In-Testing in Component-Based Embedded Systems



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Component based software engineering is a promising approach for efficient software development, enabling well defined software architectures as well as reuse. Although component technologies have been developed addressing different demands and domains, there are few component technologies targeting the specific demands of safety critical embedded real-time systems.This work-in-progress paper discusses future possibilities considering application of Built-In Testing (BIT) in component-based embedded systems. Testing constitutes a large part of the budget in all software development projects. In comparison to standard PC software development, embedded software development is even more focused on testing. There are two main reasons for this; one being that embedded systems is often mission-critical making verification important; but also the fact that testing embedded systems is challenging because of the limited operability and the difficulties in controlling or simulating the complex interaction between a physical process (e.g., a vehicle, or industrial automation equipment) and the software system. Thus reuse of software components in the context of embedded systems should ideally imply reuse of test-suites and test-results.


author = {Mikael {\AA}kerholm and Irena Pavlova and Johan Fredriksson},
title = {Application of Built-In-Testing in Component-Based Embedded Systems},
month = {May},
year = {2006},
url = {}