Quantitative Imaging Using a 2.45 GHz Planar Camera (Sep 2007) Tommy Henriksson, Nadine Joachimowicz , Antonie Diet , Cristophe Conessa , Denny Åberg, Jean-Charles Bolomey 5th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography
A Reconfigurable Wide-Band CMOS VCO with an Automatic Amplitude Controller for Multi-Band RF Front-Ends (Aug 2005) Ali Fard, Denny Åberg IEEE 17th European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design
Steps to Microwave Probing of Complex Dielectric Bodies (Aug 2005) Denny Åberg, Tommy Henriksson, Peder Norin IEEE 48th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems
A Novel 18 GHz 1.3 mW CMOS Frequency Divider with High Input Sensitivity (Jul 2005) Ali Fard, Denny Åberg IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits & Systems 2005, Romania
MICROWAVE PROBING OF COMPLEX DIELECTRIC BODIES (Jun 2005) Peder Norin, Tommy Henriksson, Denny Åberg, Per Olov Risman IFMBE
Design of a Dual-Band 5/2.4 GHz CMOS VCO for 802.11 a/b/g WLAN Transceivers (Dec 2004) Ali Fard, Tord Johnson, Denny Åberg IEEE Asia-Pacific Conf. On Circuits and Systems 2004, Taiwan
A Low Power Wide-Band CMOS VCO for Multi-Standard Radios (Sep 2004) Ali Fard, Tord Johnson, Denny Åberg IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference
A Comparative Study of CMOS LC VCO Topologies for Wide-Band Multi-Standard Transceivers (Jul 2004) Ali Fard, Tord Johnson, Martin Linder , Denny Åberg IEEE 47th International Midwest Sysmposium on Circuit and Systems 2004, Japan
An Improved Low Voltage Phase-Frequency Detector with Extended Frequency Capability (Jul 2004) Tord Johnson, Ali Fard, Denny Åberg IEEE 47th International Midwest Sysmposium on Circuit and Systems, 2004 Japan
Design of a Dual-Band 5/2.5 GHz CMOS VCO for 802.11 a/b/g WLAN Radios (Apr 2004) Ali Fard, Tord Johnson, Denny Åberg Swedish System-on-Chip Conference, Båstad 2004
A High-Performance 1V Dead-Zone Free Phase-Frequency Detector with Minimized Blind-zone (Apr 2004) Tord Johnson, Ali Fard, Denny Åberg Swedish System-on-Chip Conference, Båstad 2004
Wireless IEEE 488.2 Test Systems Based on Bluetooth [trademark] (Sep 2003) Javier Garcia Castaño, Mikael Ekström, Denny Åberg, Ylva Bäcklund IEEE Systems Readiness Technology Conference (AUTOTESTCON 2003)