
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 22

Journal article (11)

Toward digital inclusion of older adults in e-health (Oct 2023)
Åsa Revenäs , Lars Ström , Antonio Cicchetti, Maria Ehn
Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS)

Towards multimodal boosting of motivation for fall-preventive physical activity in seniors (Jul 2023)
Åsa Revenäs , Lars Ström , Antonio Cicchetti, Maria Ehn
Digital Health (Digital Health)

Clinical Sensor-Based Fall Risk Assessment at an Orthopedic Clinic: A Case Study of the Staff’s Views on Utility and Effectiveness (Feb 2023)
Maria Ehn, Annica Kristoffersson
Sensors (Sensors)

Gray Literature in Evaluating Effectiveness in Digital Health and Health and Welfare Technology (Mar 2022)
Sara Landerdahl Stridsberg , Matt Richardson , Ken Redekop , Maria Ehn, Sarah Wamala Andersson
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)

User-centered requirements engineering to manage the fuzzy front-end of open innovation in e-health (Sep 2021)
Maria Ehn, Mattias Derneborg , Åsa Revenäs , Antonio Cicchetti
International journal of medical informatics (Int J Med Inform)

Nocturnal digital surveillance in aged populations and its effects on health, welfare and social care provision (Jun 2021)
Matt Richardson , Maria Ehn, Sara Landerdahl Stridsberg , Ken Redekop , Sarah Wamala Andersson
BMC Health Services Research (BMC H Serv Res)

Integrating Key User Characteristics in User-Centered Design of Digital Support Systems for Seniors’ Physical Activity Interventions to Prevent Falls (Dec 2020)
Åsa Revenäs , Ann-Christin Johansson , Maria Ehn
JMIR Research Protocols (JMIR Res Protoc)

Technology-Based Motivation Support for Seniors’ Physical Activity (Jul 2019)
Maria Ehn, Ann-Christin Johansson , Åsa Revenäs
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

Activity Monitors as Support for Older Persons’ Physical Activity in Daily Life: Qualitative Study of the Users’ Experiences (Feb 2018)
Maria Ehn, Lennie Carlén Eriksson, Nina Åkerberg , Ann-Christin Johansson
JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU)

An interactive distance solution for stroke rehabilitation in the home setting (Dec 2016)
Susanne Palmcrantz , Jörgen Borg , Disa Sommerfeld , Jeanette Plantin , Annelie Nilsson , Maria Ehn, Marie Sjölinder , Inga-Lill Boman
Informatics for Health and Social Care (Inf Health S C)

Pyrosequencing: History, biochemistry and future (Jan 2006)
Maria Ehn, Afshin Ahmadian , Sophia Hober
Clinica Chimica Acta International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Diagnostic Laboratory Medicine (Clin Chim Acta)

Conference/Workshop Paper (5)

Maria Ehn, Lars Ström , Titti Johansson , Antonio Cicchetti, Åsa Revenäs
EU Falls Festival (EU Falls Fest)

Users perspectives on interactive distance technology enabling home-based motor training for stroke patients (Jun 2015)
Maria Ehn, Pär Hansson, Marie Sjölinder , Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Disa Sommerfeld , Jörgen Borg
12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (pHealth 2015)

Interaktiv distanslösning för motorisk träning av patienter med stroke i hemmiljö (Oct 2014)
Maria Ehn, Pär Hansson, Marie Sjölinder , Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Disa Sommerfeld , Jörgen Borg
Medicinteknikdagarna 2014 (MTD10)

A Multi-disciplinary Approach in the Development of a Stroke Rehabilitation Tool (Jun 2014)
Marie Sjölinder , Maria Ehn, Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Pär Hansson, Disa Sommerfeld , Stina Nylander, Jörgen Borg
Human-Computer Interactions International 2014 (CHI Intl 2014)

Users’ and health-care professionals’ contributions in developing a home-based stroke rehabilitation tool (Apr 2014)
Inga-Lill Boman , Maria Ehn, Marie Sjölinder , Mia Folke, Pär Hansson, Disa Sommerfeld , Jörgen Borg
8th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation (WCNR2014)

Article, research overeview (1)

Mobile Safety Alarms Based on GPS Technology in the Care of Older Adults (Oct 2021)
Maria Ehn, Matt Richardson , Sara Landerdahl Stridsberg , Ken Redekop , Sarah Wamala Andersson
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)

Article, review (2)

Performance and Characteristics of Wearable Sensor Systems Discriminating and Classifying Older Adults According to Fall Risk: A Systematic Review (Aug 2021)
Annica Kristoffersson, Jiaying Du, Maria Ehn
Sensors, SI: Sensor Technology for Fall Prevention (Sensors)

Ny teknik öppnar nya vägar inom neurorehabilitering (Jan 2014) (Jan 2014)
Jeanette Plantin , Annelie Nilsson , Påvel Lindberg , Katarina Skough-Vreede , Inga-Lill Boman , Disa Sommerfeld , Maria Ehn, Jörgen Borg
Neurologi i Sverige (Neurol Sv)

Other (3)

Inter- disciplinary and -sectorial cooperation for development of technology supporting behavioral change (Apr 2017)
Maria Ehn, Mattias Derneborg , Martin Ekström, Ann-Christin Johansson
Persuasive Technology XII, 2017 (Pers Tech 2017)

Interactive distance technology enabling home-based motor training for stroke patients (invited to present project) (May 2015)
Maria Ehn, Susanne Palmcrantz
Rehabiliteringsmedicinska veckan 2015 (Rehabveckan)

Interactive technology enabling home-based motor training for stroke patients (invited to present project) (Apr 2015)
Maria Ehn
Games@vitalis 2015 (games@vitalis)

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