Assurance Aware Contract-Based Design for Safety-Critical Systems (Sep 2018) Irfan Sljivo
Facilitating Reuse of Safety Case Artefacts Using Safety Contracts (Jun 2015) Irfan Sljivo
Guiding assurance of architectural design patterns for critical applications (Mar 2020) Irfan Sljivo, Garazi Juez Uriagereka , Stefano Puri , Barbara Gallina Journal of Systems Architecture, 2021 (JSA)
Safety and Security Co-Analyses: A Systematic Literature Review (Dec 2018) Elena Lisova, Irfan Sljivo, Aida Causevic IEEE Systems Journal 2018 (ISJ-2018)
Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication (Jul 2017) Paul Pop, Detlef Scholle , Irfan Sljivo, Hans Hansson, Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist Elsevier journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO)
A Method to Generate Reusable Safety Case Argument-Fragments from Compositional Safety Analysis (Jul 2016) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina, Jan Carlson, Hans Hansson, Stefano Puri Journal of Systems and Software: Special Issue on Software Reuse (SR-JSS 2016)
Modular Safety Cases for the Assurance of Industry 4.0 (Feb 2020) Omar Jaradat, Irfan Sljivo, Richard Hawkins , Ibrahim Habli 28th Safety-Critical Systems Symposium (SCSS'20)
A Fault-Tolerant Controller Manager for Platooning Simulation (Jan 2020) Shahriar Hasan, Muhammed Abdullah Al Ahad , Irfan Sljivo, Ali Balador, Svetlana Girs, Elena Lisova The 8th IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE 19)
Tool-Supported Safety-Relevant Component Reuse: From Specification to Argumentation (Jun 2018) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina, Jan Carlson, Hans Hansson, Stefano Puri 23rd International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2018 (Ada-Europe-2018 )
Contract-Based Assurance for Wireless Cooperative Functions of Vehicular Systems (Oct 2017) Svetlana Girs, Irfan Sljivo, Omar Jaradat 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017)
Assuring Degradation Cascades of Car Platoons via Contracts (Sep 2017) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina, Bernhard Kaiser 6th International Workshop on Next Generation of System Assurance Approaches for Safety-Critical Systems (SASSUR-2017)
Challenges of Safety Assurance for Industry 4.0 (Sep 2017) Omar Jaradat, Irfan Sljivo, Ibrahim Habli , Richard Hawkins European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC'17)
Agent-centred Approach for Assuring Ethics in Dependable Service Systems (Jun 2017) Irfan Sljivo, Elena Lisova, Sara Afshar 13th IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2017)
Cooperative Safety Critical CPS Platooning in SafeCOP (Jun 2017) Samer Medawar , Irfan Sljivo, Detlef Scholle 5th EUROMICRO/IEEE Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems (ECYPS2017)
Building Multiple-Viewpoint Assurance Cases Using Assumption/Guarantee Contracts (Nov 2016) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina 1st International workshop on Interplay of Security, Safety and System/Software Architecture (ISSA-2016)
Towards Cloud-Based Enactment of Safety-Related Processes (Sep 2016) Sami Alajrami , Barbara Gallina, Irfan Sljivo, Alexander Romanovsky , Petter Isberg 35th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp2016)
Configuration-aware Contracts (Sep 2016) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina, Jan Carlson, Hans Hansson 4th International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE2016)
Using Safety Contracts to Guide the Integration of Reusable Safety Elements within ISO 26262 (Nov 2015) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina, Jan Carlson, Hans Hansson The 21st IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2015)
Deriving Safety Contracts to Support Architecture Design of Safety Critical Systems (Jan 2015) Irfan Sljivo, Omar Jaradat, Iain Bate, Patrick Graydon 16th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE 2015)
A Method to Generate Reusable Safety Case Fragments from Compositional Safety Analysis (Jan 2015) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina, Jan Carlson, Hans Hansson, Stefano Puri The 14th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR2015)
Facilitating Certication Artefacts Reuse Using Safety Contracts (Jan 2015) Irfan Sljivo International Conference on Software Reuse Doctoral Symposium (ICSR DS 2015)
Generation of Safety Case Argument-Fragments from Safety Contracts (Sep 2014) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina, Jan Carlson, Hans Hansson The 33rd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp 2014)
Strong and Weak Contract Formalism for Third-Party Component Reuse (Nov 2013) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina, Jan Carlson, Hans Hansson 3rd International Workshop on Software Certification (WoSoCer 2013)
Fostering Reuse within Safety-critical Component-based Systems through Fine-grained Contracts (Jun 2013) Irfan Sljivo, Jan Carlson, Barbara Gallina, Hans Hansson International Workshop on Critical Software Component Reusability and Certification across Domains (CSC2013)
Towards a Safety-oriented Process Line for Enabling Reuse in Safety Critical Systems Development and Certification. (Oct 2012) Barbara Gallina, Irfan Sljivo, Omar Jaradat 35th Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop (FedCSIS Conference) (SEW-36)
Using Safety Contracts to Guide the Integration of Reusable Safety Elements within ISO 26262 (Mar 2015) Irfan Sljivo, Barbara Gallina, Jan Carlson, Hans Hansson MRTC Report, Mälardalen Real-Time Research Centre (MRTC 2015)