A Comparative Study of Manual and Automated Testing for Industrial Control Software (Mar 2017) Eduard Paul Enoiu, Adnan Causevic, Daniel Sundmark, Paul Pettersson International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2017)
Mutation-Based Test Generation for PLC Embedded Software using Model Checking (Oct 2016) -- Best Paper Award-- Eduard Paul Enoiu, Daniel Sundmark, Adnan Causevic, Robert Feldt , Paul Pettersson The International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS)
A Controlled Experiment in Testing of Safety-Critical Embedded Software (Apr 2016) Eduard Paul Enoiu, Adnan Causevic, Daniel Sundmark, Paul Pettersson IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)
An Industrial Study on Automated Test Generation and Manual Testing of IEC 61131-3 Software (Nov 2016) Eduard Paul Enoiu, Adnan Causevic, Daniel Sundmark, Paul Pettersson
Automated Regression Test Generation Using Record & Replay Approach: A Case Study on Train Control Management System (Oct 2016) Adnan Causevic, Rikard Land, Ola Sellin