Ph.D. in Model-Based Testing of Real-Time Systems 2007 (Uppsala University), after 7 years in industry 94-02. + 07-09 Employed at Xware AB since december 2009.
Integrating Observer Library from UPPAAL CoVer (a model-based testing tool) into the Xware product xTrade Alarm Server.
Monitoring and Testing with Case Observer Automata: An Industry Report (Mar 2011) Anders Hessel 2011 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops
Testing Real-time systems using UPPAAL (Jan 2008) Anders Hessel, Kim Guldstrand Larsen , Marius Mikuèionis , Brian Nielsen , Paul Pettersson, Arne Skou Formal Methods and Testing
Cover - A Test-Case Generation Tool for Timed Systems (Jun 2007) Anders Hessel, Paul Pettersson Testing of Software and Communicating Systems: Work-in-Progress and Position Papers, Tool Demonstrations, and Tutorial Abstracts of TestCom/FATES 2007
A Global Algorithm for Model-Based Test Suite Generation (Mar 2007) Anders Hessel, Paul Pettersson Proceedings of Third Workshop on Model-Based Testing
Model-based Testing of a WAP Gateway: an Industrial Case-Study (Sep 2006) Anders Hessel, Paul Pettersson
Project Avatar Developing a Distributed Mobile Phone Game (Mar 2006) Mattias Andreasson , Andree Bylund , Syrus Dargahi , Daniel Johansson , Martin Larsson , Bennie Lundmark , Jonas Mellberg , Fredrik Stenh , Olle Gällmo , Anders Hessel, Leonid Mokrushin , Paul Pettersson