Mudassar Aslam (not working at IDT anymore)

I am a PhD student also working for SICS as researcher. My reserach foucs is about the security aspects of public clouds which can affect cloud transparency and hence hinder wide scale adoption of the cloud services by many security sensitive cloud users (e.g. research organizations, companies, govt. departments, etc). I am working on solutions that use Trusted Computing techniques to embed digital trust in the cloud services so that a remote cloud user can get assurance of a secure cloud environment before starting to use it.

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Latest publications:

Trusted Geolocation Aware Data Placement in Infrastructure Clouds (Sep 2014)
Nicolae Paladi , Mudassar Aslam, Christian Gehrmann
13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-14)

ASArP: Automated Security Assessment & Audit of Remote Platforms (Jul 2014)
Mudassar Aslam, Christian Gehrmann , Mats Björkman
Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA)

Continuous Security Evaluation and Auditing of Remote Platforms by Combining Trusted Computing and Security Automation Techniques (Nov 2013)
Mudassar Aslam, Christian Gehrmann , Mats Björkman
6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2013)

Trusted Launch of Virtual Machine Instances in Public IaaS Environments (Nov 2012)
Nicolae Paladi , Christian Gehrmann , Mudassar Aslam, Fredric Morenius
15th Annual International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2012)

Security and Trust Preserving VM Migrations in Public Clouds (Jun 2012)
Mudassar Aslam, Christian Gehrmann , Mats Björkman
11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-12)

Securely Launching Virtual Machines on Trustworthy Platforms in a Public Cloud (Apr 2012)
Mudassar Aslam, Christian Gehrmann , Lars Rasmusson , Mats Björkman
2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2012)

Project TitleStatus
SICS CNS finished