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Inauguration of the PROMPT project
Project inauguration
Start time:
2015-11-05 10:00
End time:
2015-11-05 11:45
Mälardalens högskola, room Gamma
The PROMPT project is financed by the Knowledge Foundation’s programme “Expertkompetens för innovation” (Expert Skills for Innovation). Its aim is that cooperation between academia and industry will establish a national educational alternative with the aim of guaranteeing the supply of software-related advanced skills and innovative power for Swedish private enterprise.
- Introduction: Rektor Karin Röding, Mälardalen University
- Expert Competence for Innovation: Olle Vogel, Stefan Östholm and Ulf Hall, The Knowledge Foundation
- Competence development the PROMPT way: Hans Hansson & Malin Rosqvist, project leaders, Mälardalen University
- Industry´s need of competence development: Peter Wallin, Technology Research Manager, Volvo CE
- Flexible learning at Mälardalen University: Peter Gustafsson, pro-dean for education, Mälardalen University
- Short talks about flexible learning:
- Sverker Jansson, SICS Swedish ICT
- Hans Öberg, Mälardalen University
- Hans Bjurgren & Stefan Löfgren, Mälardalen University - Summary
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