Malin Rosqvist is a research project manager, employed by RISE SICS Västerås since August 2017 but still active at Embedded Systems and Mälardalen University through the projects PROMPT and FuturE.
2009-2017 Malin was a project manager within Embedded Systems at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, MDH. Since joining MDH in 2009 she was specializing in running projects and activities in cooperation with industry, as well as in research communication and public relations.
At Mälardalen University, Malin is managing the PROMPT project, Professional Master in Software Engineering, aiming at increasing cooperation between industry and academia, above all in terms of life long learning by developing advanced level academic courses for software developers working in industry. The PROMPT project is funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation with 50 MSEK, and by the participating companies and universities.
Malin has also been part of the management team for the industrial research school ITS-EASY, the Post Graduate School for Embedded Software and Systems, involving 11 companies and 22 PhD students.
Previous to her position at Mälardalen University, Malin held a position as marketing manager at ABB, working globally with marketing and sales of industrial robots. Malin holds a MA from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and is Certified Project Manager (IPMA, International Project Management Association). Malin has been board member of the non-profit organisation Swedsoft (2016-2017), aiming at making Sweden an innovation centre for software-intensive systems, thereby increasing competitiveness in Swedish industry.
Conferences (local chair):
ICST´18: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
ECSA´15, Dubrovnik, European Conference on Software Architecture
ASE´14, Västerås, Automated Software Engineering
SLE´14, Västerås, International Conference on Software Language Engineering
GPCE´14, Västerås, Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences
RELIANT Industrial graduate school @ MDU (Mar 2023) Kristina Lundqvist, Baran Çürüklü, Elisabeth Uhlemann, Mikael Sjödin, Marjan Sirjani, Cristina Seceleanu, Tiberiu Seceleanu, Malin Rosqvist, Saad Mubeen, Kaj Hänninen, Håkan Forsberg, Mikael Ekström, Masoud Daneshtalab, Federico Ciccozzi
PROMPT - Professionell masterutbildning i programvaruteknik 2011-2021 (Dec 2021) Hans Hansson, Malin Rosqvist
Exploring micro-credentials - the PROMPT example (Nov 2020) Malin Rosqvist, Hans Hansson SPHERE: Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Experts, European University Association (SPHERE2020)
Aktivt e-lärande: högskolans bidrag till yrkesverksammas (May 2019) Malin Rosqvist, Hans Hansson, Gunnar Karlsson Högskola och Samhälle i samverkan 2019 (HSS´19)
Driving innovation and improving competences in Swedish SMEs (Feb 2019) Malin Rosqvist Boosting security, data and IoT skills of SMEs, European Digital SME Alliance (EDSA´19)
Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication (Jul 2017) Paul Pop, Detlef Scholle , Irfan Sljivo, Hans Hansson, Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist Elsevier journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO)