I'm currently Associate Professor in Computer Science at Mälardalen University, department of Innovation, Design and Engineering in Västerås - Sweden.
I am the Head of Research Education in Computer Science and in Electronics at Mälardalen University.
I received a M.Sc. in Global Software Engineering within the Global Software Engineering European Master (GSEEM) program, a joint double-degree master program between the universities of Mälardalen-Sweden, L'Aquila-Italy (my home university), and Amsterdam-Netherlands. I received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Mälardalen University in January 2014. I have received the promotion to Docent (Associate Prof.) in Computer Science in October 2017.
6th highest ranked scholar worldwide in systems modeling in 2022 on a 5-years evaluation period, by ScholarGPS: https://bit.ly/ScholarGPS
My research area conceives several aspects of automated software engineering for the design and production of complex multi-domain and safety-critical systems. Among them, I specialise in: definition of domain-specific software (modelling) languages, model manipulation through transformations for vertical integration of IT artefacts, model optimization, model-based program optimisation, and automatic generation of various artefacts from models, to mention a few.
I conduct research in the area of multi-paradigm and multi-view modelling as well as model transformation for enabling modelling and automated code generation for heterogeneous multi-domain systems such as cyber-physical systems (CPS), internet-of-things (IoT), and mobile robot teams. I work on infrastructural support for design and production of complex multi-domain systems in terms of: blended graphical--textual modelling, model consistency and versioning including (co)evolution and synchronization.
An elucidation of blended modeling from an industrial perspective (Dec 2024) Jörg Holtmann , Federico Ciccozzi, Wim Bast , Joost Van Pinxten Springer Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)
A Hybrid Ontology for Identifying Safety Hazards and Security Threats (Nov 2024) Malina Adach, Alessio Bucaioni, Federico Ciccozzi The 8th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS24)
Model-based development and formal verification of a ROS2 multi-robot system using Timed Rebeca (Sep 2024) Hiep Hong Trinh, Marjan Sirjani, Mikael Sjödin, Federico Ciccozzi 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40)
Flexible Modelling: a Systematic Literature Review (Jul 2024) Robbert Jongeling, Federico Ciccozzi - (-)
Towards Compact Surface Languages for Specific Modelling Aspects in EAST-ADL (Jun 2024) Imad Berrouyne, Alessio Bucaioni, Federico Ciccozzi, Henrik Lönn 12th Embedded Real-Time Systems Congress (ERTS2024)
Role-Based Access Control for Collaborative Modeling Environments (Jun 2024) Malvina Latifaj, Federico Ciccozzi, Antonio Cicchetti MRTC Report, Mälardalen Real-Time Research Centre (MRTC 2024)
Hiep Hong Trinh
Lorenzo Addazi (former)
Malina Adach
Yawar Rasheed (former)
Ifrah Qaisar
Liza Stephanie Johansson
Lodiana Beqiri
Robbert Jongeling (former)