SoCrates - System on Chip for Real-Time Embedded Systems



This project focuses on developing a scalable multiprocessor platform for future real-time embedded systems. In our heterogeneous system we want to use small RISC-processors and DSPs for the processing nodes and prove that for many cases it is better to use several small processing nodes rather than a big and complex CPU. One key component in our system is the hardware Real-Time Unit (RTU) that manages scheduling, timers, interrupts and semaphores. In this component there is a central view of what is going on in the system. To increase predictability we want to use CPU-controlled buffers instead of caches. This could be done by compiler insertion of prefetch instructions for data and OS-controlled pre-fetches of instructions and data for processes.

Lennart Lindh,

Room: U3-135
Phone: +46-21-101545