Software product integration: A case study-based synthesis of reference models (Jun 2009) Stig Larsson , Petri Myllyperkiö , Fredrik Ekdahl , Ivica Crnkovic Information and Software Technology
Key Elements of Software Product Integration Processes (Dec 2007) Stig Larsson
Assessing the Influence on Processes when Evolving the Software Architecture (Sep 2007) Stig Larsson , Anders Wall, Peter Wallin 9th International Workshop On Principles of Software Evolution
Product integration improvement based on analysis of build statistics (Sep 2007) Stig Larsson , Petri Myllyperkiö , Fredrik Ekdahl Proceedings of the 6th joint meeting of the european software engineering conference and the 14th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Foundations of software engineering
Industry evaluation of the Requirements Abstraction Model (May 2007) Tony Gorschek , Per Garre , Stig Larsson , Claes Wohlin Requirements Engineering Journal
A Model for Technology Transfer in Practice (Nov 2006) Claes Wohlin , Tony Gorschek , Per Garre , Stig Larsson IEEE Software