Peter Wallin is a Ph.D. student within the Software Engineering Laboratory. He received his M.Sc in computer science from Mälardalen University 2006. His research is funded by VINNOVA and is done in cooperation with Chalmers, Volvo 3P, Volvo Car Corporation and Volvo CE. The aim of the research is to find models to support decisions made during early stages in the development of electronic architectures for vehicles.
Detecting Inconsistencies in Annotated Product Line Models (Oct 2020) Damir Bilic, Jan Carlson, Daniel Sundmark, Wasif Afzal, Peter Wallin Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Systems and Software Product Line: Volume A - Volume A (SPLC 2020)
Towards a Model-Driven Product Line Engineering Process – An Industrial Case Study (Mar 2020) Damir Bilic, Daniel Sundmark, Wasif Afzal, Peter Wallin, Adnan Causevic, Christoffer Amlinger , Dani Barkah 13th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC'2020)
Model-Based Product Line Engineering in an Industrial Automotive Context: An Exploratory Case Study (Sep 2018) Damir Bilic, Daniel Sundmark, Wasif Afzal, Peter Wallin, Adnan Causevic, Christoffer Amlinger 1st Intl. Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-intensive Systems (VariVolution'18)
A mutual collaboration model for improved impact of research (Jun 2017) Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist, Peter Wallin University-Industry Interaction Conference 2017 (UIIN 2017)
LEAN SPEED OPTIMIZATION APPLIED TO A CYCLIC HAUL OPERATION (Oct 2016) David Rylander , Jakob Fryk , Peter Wallin, Jakob Axelsson World Mining Congress 2016 (WMC)
Joint forces for an up-grade in competence (Sep 2016) Malin Rosqvist, Hans Hansson, Daniel Sundmark, Peter Wallin Volvo CE Innovation Conference 2016 (Volvo CE´16)