Jan Carlson, Professor

Jan Carlson is a professor in computer science, specializing in software engineering. He received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Linköping University in 2000, and his doctoral degree from Mälardalen University in 2007 with the thesis entitled "Event Pattern Detection for Embedded Systems".

Jans current research focuses on model-based software and systems development, addressing areas such as artifact consistency, architectural decision support, allocation optimization, model-level timing analysis, code generation, and the combination of model-based development and continuous integration practicesAlong another line of research topics, he also works on real-time analysis, in particular focusing on shared stack usage and execution time analysis under limited preemption scheduling.

Project TitleStatus
ACICS - Assured Cloud Platforms for Industrial Cyber-physical Systems finished
ARRAY - Automation Region Research Academy active
ASSIST - Analysis and Synthesis of Industrial Software Systems finished
CoDig - Continuous Digitalization active
CONTESSE - Contract-Based Components for Embedded Software finished
DICES - Distributed Component-based Embedded Software Systems finished
High Level Languages for Hard and Embedded Real-Time Systems finished
MINEStrA: Model Integration for Early Simulation and Analysis finished
Mission and Capability Engineering for Systems-of-Systems active
MOMENTUM: analysis of models towards compilation to predictable embedded real-time and safety-critical applications finished
ORION - Decision Support for Component-Based Software Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems finished
PG-CBD-IDE – Integration Development Environment finished
PreView: Developing Predictable Vehicle Software on Multi-core finished
PROGRESS finished
RALF3 - Software for Embedded High Performance Architectures finished
SafeCer - Safety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components finished
SC: Evolution Support for Architectural Artefacts finished
SMARTCore: Model-driven support for deployment optimization of embedded systems on multicore finished
Software Center active
Software Center: Managing Model Inconsistencies active
SYNOPSIS - Safety Analysis for Predictable Software Intensive Systems finished
XIVT - eXcellence in Variant Testing finished
PhD students supervised as main supervisor:

Filip Markovic (former)
Gabriel Campeanu (former)
Ifrah Qaisar
Robbert Jongeling (former)

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Ana Petricic (former)
Chengmeng Li (former)
Henrik Gustavsson
Irfan Sljivo (former)
Josip Maras (former)
Joyce Martin
Juraj Feljan (former)
Luka Lednicki (former)
Shamoona Imtiaz

MSc theses supervised (or examined):
Thesis TitleStatus
Data and control flow analysis for industrial systems developed in IEC 61499 available
Eliciting correlations between components selection decision cases in software architecting available
Model-level timing analysis for UML-RT capsules available
A Quality-driven approach to architect software design in progress
A software modeling environment based on UML for small touch devices in progress
An Evaluation of Model-based Testing in Industrial Practice: From System Modelling to Test Generation in progress
Master thesis: supporting synchronous modelling in distributed development environments in progress
Master thesis: Versionshantering i industriella miljöer in progress
Migrating and evaluating a test environment from dynamically to statically typed language in progress
A comparative study of responsive web design frameworks in security vulnerability finished
A Framework for Data Mining and Events Correlation on Telecommunication System Logs finished
A migration method for legacy mobile applications finished
Application for debugging and calibration of an underwater robot finished
Cloud-centric software architecture for industrial product-service systems finished
Consistent integration of system and software models at different levels of abstraction finished
Data dependency analysis in industrial systems finished
Effectiveness Of Fault Prediction finished
En studie kring komponentisering av legacysystem och dess fördelar finished
Enhancing the consistency between requirements and test cases through the definition of a Controlled Natural Language finished
Ett intranetbaserat system för dokumentationshantering finished
Flervägs dataanalysator för seriell data finished
From the Object Constraint Language Standard Library to C++ finished
Guidelines for UML or SysML modeling within an enterprise architecture finished
Guidelines for UML or SysML modelling within an enterprise architecture finished
Improving a Graphical Turntable Simulator finished
Integrating an event detection algebra in C# finished
Model-Driven Engineering for Mobile Robot Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study finished
Modernisering av Javabaserade webbapplikationer finished
On-board Diagnostics Framework finished
ProCom middleware finished
The Progress run-time architecture finished
Visual Studio add-in to add a logging service to COM components for smart devices finished
A lightweight analysis framework for Progress IDE on-hold
A Real-Time Java realization of the ProCom component model on-hold
Intranet solutions for large companies using SharePoint on-hold
Master thesis: Measuring ontology awareness of model differencing approaches. on-hold
Simulation-based optimization of dual non-crossing stacking cranes on-hold
Synthesizing Activation and Local Interactions of ProCom Components on-hold
Synthesizing Instantiation and Local Interactions of ProCom Components on-hold