I'm currently working as "System Architect" within Tehnology Function at Volvo Construction Equipment AB, Sweden. My work involves developing functional architecture for software platform supporting different product lines such as Loaders, Haulers, Excavators etc. I'm also involved with functional architectures for future products (e.g. autonomous) as well as System of Systems (e.g. Site management system, Complete business solutions). I'm also part of the core team leading Model-based development initiatives such as MBPLE, MBSE, as well as MBD.
I've received B.Sc and M.Sc (Applied Mathematics) from Andhra University(India), and M.Tech (Computer Science) from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University(India). I've done Ph.D in the formal modelling of embedded systems from Mälardalen University (Sweden).
My general research interests include Industrial Systems Engineerieng, System of Systems, Model-based development, ontologies, information models as well as tool interoperability (OSLC).
Evaluation of Systems Engineering Ontologies: Experiences from Developing a Capability and Mission Ontology for Systems of Systems (Oct 2024) Joyce Martin, Jakob Axelsson, Jan Carlson, Jagadish Suryadevara 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE 2024)
Correlating Logical and Physical Models for Early Performance Validation - An Experience Report (Apr 2024) Johan Cederbladh, Marcel Gottschall , Jagadish Suryadevara, Khaled Alekeish The 18th Annual International Systems Conference (SysCon24)
Light-Weight MBSE Approach for Construction Equipment Domain - An Experience Report (Dec 2023) Johan Cederbladh, Jagadish Suryadevara 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2023)
Early Validation and Verification of System Behaviour in Model-Based Systems Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review (Nov 2023) Johan Cederbladh, Antonio Cicchetti, Jagadish Suryadevara ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)
Towards a Unified Architecture Methodology for Product Service Systems (Oct 2023) Johan Cederbladh, Jagadish Suryadevara Asia Oceanic Systems Engineering Conference (AOSEC)
Towards a Core Ontology for Missions and Capabilities in Systems of Systems (Jun 2023) Joyce Martin, Jakob Axelsson, Jan Carlson, Jagadish Suryadevara 18th Annual System Of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE2023)