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Correlating Logical and Physical Models for Early Performance Validation - An Experience Report
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
The 18th Annual International Systems Conference
This paper reports on efforts to improve collabo-
ration, traceability, and integrated analysis across development
teams in Systems Engineering (SE), namely systems architecting
(modeling) and systems verification (simulation) in an industrial
SE workflow. Higher process safety and efficiency demand seam-
less integration between these historically separated domains that
handle different levels of detail and maturity with corresponding
models. A practical gap is the level of information needed for
physical simulation, contra the specified logical system descrip-
tions from a functional perspective in system architectures. We
demonstrate a cross-domain collaboration by aligning system
interfaces across model abstractions in an integrated tooling
approach, augmenting logical models with physical information.
SysML models are aligned for simulation models and a mid-
dleware is introduced, linking data to enable the re-use and
formulation of systems while providing analytical workflows or
methods. We utilize an industrial use case to make the paper
more concrete and, in addition to the initial results, report on
the lessons learned throughout the design process application and
open challenges in real-life continuous engineering environments
author = {Johan Cederbladh and Marcel Gottschall and Jagadish Suryadevara and Khaled Alekeish},
title = {Correlating Logical and Physical Models for Early Performance Validation - An Experience Report},
month = {April},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {The 18th Annual International Systems Conference},
url = {}