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Decisions Supported by the Core Ontology for Missions and Capabilities in Systems of Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
The 18th Annual International Systems Conference
This study explores how a core ontology for missions and capabilities in systems of systems supports basic and
fundamental decisions related to development and operations of systems of systems. The study is based on a previously developed core ontology for mission and capability in the context of systems of systems. From the relationships in the core ontology concepts, this study extracts fundamental design and operational decisions.
These decisions are compiled into a preliminary guideline aimed at assessing the feasibility of systems of systems. This compilation uses Kipling’s six honest serving men’s reasoning to support clustering of decisions based on their intended outcome. The study identifies categories of generic constraints that affect these decisions. The overall aim is that the clustered decisions and the constraint categories should trigger different points of views for designers and operators as they envision their systems of systems and constituent systems. The preliminary guideline developed is then used to illustrate a road paving system, and different ways of using the guideline are discussed. The tool demonstrates flexibility, therefore setting a good starting point for brainstorming and exploration of systems of systems design and operations.
author = {Joyce Martin and Jakob Axelsson and Jan Carlson and Jagadish Suryadevara},
title = {Decisions Supported by the Core Ontology for Missions and Capabilities in Systems of Systems },
booktitle = {The 18th Annual International Systems Conference},
url = {}