The ASSIST project aims to bridge the gap between recent academic research achievements and concrete industrial needs and state of practice. Concretely, we will investigate how novel timing analysis and code synthesis techniques developed in the context of an academic component model for embedded systems can be extended and adapted in order to be applicable to IEC61499, focusing on model-level timing analysis, back propagation of analysis results to model elements, and flexible synthesis of independent units.
Software and Hardware Models in Component-based Development of Embedded Systems (Jan 2015) Luka Lednicki
Device Utilization Analysis for IEC 61499 Systems in Early Stages of Development (Sep 2013) Luka Lednicki, Jan Carlson, Kristian Sandström 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA'13)
Model Level Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for IEC 61499 (Jun 2013) Luka Lednicki, Jan Carlson, Kristian Sandström The 16th International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Feasibility of migrating analysis and synthesis mechanisms from ProCom to IEC 61499 (Jun 2012) Jan Carlson, Luka Lednicki
Partner | Type |
ABB Corporate Research | Industrial |